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CS 1.6 Beta Blog - 7/9/23

This blog is dedicated to CS 1.6 Betas and my ramblings about them. I have downloads for the existing builds to the right and on the downloads page, which is on the sidebar, or if you're lazy as fuck, you can click here anyways I've been digging into finding some cs 1.6 betas from 2002 (cs 1.6 was apparently in very early stages during this era) and a de_aztec beta from cs 1.6 around this time is out there (it's also on my cs 1.6 9/9/2003 beta server), which proves that a cs 1.6 build around 2002 exists, iirc it was teased even more in some places I can't find or remember, but this version of de_aztec is proof that a 2002 cs 1.6 is out there, although it could not exist anymore due to the scarcity of this aforementioned build. For now, I recommend checking out the downloads page for existing beta builds/beta builds that have been found on my site, I provided where to find them of the beginning of this post. Anyways, cya.


CS 1.6 Beta Blog - 7/10/23

Been searching on some stuff and I found this github post named "CS 1.6 Beta build 5961" with some stuff at the end, this could be some regular cs 1.6 steam patch, but this could possibly be a beta too, or i may just be retarded. Other then that, liquipedia provides certain patches from around 2003 (some of those patches are on this very site), including a february, late january, and june patch. Hopefully I can try to scrape around over here on the clear net, and if I can't really find anything, I'll try to look in certain discords with old players if they ever said anything about it, anyways again, cya.


CS 1.6 Beta Blog - 7/13/23

Apparently I found some stuff that can be a lead in to a CS 1.6 Beta, I found smth on some sketchy site that had "CS 1.6 original", this could either be the build that debuted ca. 9/12-15/2003 or it could be a beta, however I don't feel like having viruses up my ass even with malwarebytes so I'm not getting it, however I might install it on a vm eventually. I also found links to descriptions of patches, this is gonna sound retarded, but maybe I could try to recreate what the patches detail, anyways, cya.

Update: I found the list of patches and the original descriptions, i don't think I can recreate this but this could be used as a point of reference. Best bet is to ask people who played around this time. Anyways, it can be found here.

Anyways, for the final time, cya.


CS 1.6 Beta Blog - 7/14/23

I asked IdioticSniper if he knew anyone that played around August 2002 - September 12th-15th 2003, he said he didn't, might ask someone like epicjack later, but for now, it could be on valve internal servers, and maybe could be found through steamcmd or smth (or if someone illegally got into valve's internal servers, which isn't worth getting in trouble for, trust me learn from Axel Gembe). I tried getting smth from steamcmd, but got nothing so far. The lost builds could either be lost or be so obscure that its basically lost media, which is why im trying to find someone who played around that time, as they could maybe have the lost builds. For now, cya.


CS 1.6 Beta Blog - 7/20/23

Found smth on the valve developer wiki detailing cs 1.6 betas. The last time the actual content was updated was May 27th, 2008, but I might end up trying this when kommusteam comes out. The link is here.

Anyways, cya


CS 1.6 Beta Blog - 7/24/23

Uploaded the CS 1.6 Beta from 1/14/2003 along with Steam 2.0 on the downloads page. I recommend checking it out, as this was a public beta (iirc?) and is pretty interesting, as menu looks very different from the late betas/release. The link to download is here.

Anyways, cya
